All furnaces have a life expectancy, and breakdowns are inevitable. You can prevent these issues with preventive maintenance. Preparing for furnace replacement in Orem, UT, before a complete breakdown is wise. It is never too late to do a little research and utilize some information about the furnace and its maintenance.
The Expected Lifespan of a Furnace
On average, people expect a furnace to last around 15 to 20 years and reach 30 years at most. However, experts believe that 20 years is sufficient time for your furnace to utilize its maximum efficiency, so in comparison, the new technology is better.Â
While aging is the main reason for furnace failures, manufacturing quality, repair quality, and maintenance jobs also impact the lifespan of your furnace.
How to Extend the Lifespan of a Furnace?
Furnaces are complex and expensive systems. Therefore, it is right to find ways and try routine maintenance to extend the lifespan of your furnace without resorting to replacements and repairs. Remember, an early inspection can prevent a more significant issue and add years to your furnace’s life. Follow the steps for the long-lasting furnace: If you want more information, contact the best HVAC contractor in Orem, UT.
Proper Furnace Installation
Furnace installation is your first step closer to comfort in winter. Hire a professional with experience to handle your heating system precisely, and trust them to resolve all the issues that might arise. Also, ask the technician about the thermostat settings, maintenance, ductwork, and venting to ensure no obstruction in its performance and for an extended lifespan.
Choose the Right Size
Choosing the right size means settling for no small or extra large unit. The right size gives optimum efficiency and less trouble. The large size will short cycle, again and again, hindering its function, while a smaller unit will be inefficient in maintaining the required heat. In both cases, the lifespan is shortened by dysfunction. If you want purchase new heating unit in Orem, UT.
Replace the Air Filters
It is always better to clean the filters and replace them with new ones regularly. An air filter clogged with dirt and debris restricts airflow, causing the furnace to overheat, short cycle, and ultimately break down. To avoid these issues, schedule an inspection and replace the filters each season. Call furnace installation in Orem for more details and help.
Install Proper Insulation
It is easy to contain warm air in a closed space, and likewise, when your house is sealed, the warm air will find no escape, heating the entire area. However, with loose vents, cracked ducts, and improper arrangement of fuel lines, your furnace will exhibit inefficient airflow and huge energy wastage. It might possess leaks and life risks too.
Schedule Routine Maintenance
Do not take maintenance and services lightly. If you want your furnace to work at maximum efficiency without breakdowns, you should schedule routine inspections and maintenance as per your technician’s advice. Hire only a qualified HVAC expert with prior experience and excellent client reviews.
JP Cooling & Heating has provided the full range of HVAC services, including heat pump installation in Orem, for many years. Call (801)-420-1979 to get the best deals on financing and service plans. Trust us with your HVAC system and schedule a service visit today.